RSR Roller Airseeder Drill

The FarmChief RSR fixed-width cultivation roller is a proven implement that has stood the test of time in conditions throughout New Zealand. Fitting an Airseeder on the back will increase your productivity and ensure the best-possible germination. 

The high pressure-point of the RSR roller ensures great seed-to-soil contact, ensuring planting success. As the heaviest and toughest rollers on the market, they maintain an even weight distribution ensuring stability on uneven ground. 

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    FarmChief RSR Airseeder Roller
    FarmChief RSR Airseeder Roller
    FarmChief RSR Airseeder Roller
    FarmChief RSR Airseeder Roller

    Features and Benefits

    Rollers have stood the test of time and have proven to be one of the best farming methods of helping achieve the ideal conditions for quality germination through optimal soil to seed contact. But now, you can sow with these farming implements too.

    Extremely maneuverable and great in a wide variety of conditions, the RSR trailing roller with Airseeder has a hydraulic rear wheel and the option of hydraulic front levelling paddles. When soil moisture is at a premium, the high-pressure point is the perfect way to ensure seed germination, keep the soil compact and cover the seeds with a fine tilth. 

    The Airseeder itself is a fine seeder suited for metering every type of seed, from Swedes right through to Grain, at rates from 0.5kg/ha up to 250kg/ha. One client has said they’ve got it sorted right down to the last cupful. In case you’re still not sure, there’s a clear seed sight level in front of the hopper, so you can keep your eye on it. 

    Choose from a range of seed hopper sizes, electric or hydraulic fans and set it up to be either ground-driven or radar operated. 

    • 70mm roller axle
    • Hydraulic rear wheels
    • Optional levelling paddles or chain harrows
    • 3.2 working width
    • Front-mounted option available 
    • RSR Roller available individually 

    Technical Specifications


    Working width

    Airseeder capacity

    Ring diameter

    HP Required



    200ltr - 850ltr




    Graeme's View

    Graeme Burnett has a 300ha milking platform and 250ha run-off on flat to rolling country at Dacre on the Southland Plains between Invercargill and Edendale.

    “The accuracy of the seeder is unbelievable so far in everything I’ve done – right down to a cupful of seed. And it’s easy to calibrate.”

    He also had high praise for FarmChief’s service. “The back-up is brilliant, and the help in setting it up.”  READ MORE

    - Rollmax Roller with Airseeder

    Graham's View

    In 2016 Graham Gordon bought a 630 Rollmax with 660ltr Airseeder, from FarmChief as he needed a wider machine. He says the service, and leveling paddles, also helped seal the deal.

    “It was what we needed and at a price that was reasonable.”

    “It’s been an awesome piece of machinery: Solid, robust, and you get three machines in one.”


    - Rollmax 630 Roller with 660ltr Airseeder

    Parts and Options

    Ring Reliability

    Proved the test of time the Cambridge 24-inch notched and angulated breaker ring is standard on this machine, ensuring an optimum rolled finish whether that is working in standard soil conditions or damp conditions.

    Paddles & Harrows

    Option of front paddles and or front harrows allowing further preparations of groundwork.


    Attaching an Air seeder means cultivation can be completed and seed sown in one pass providing ultimate germination. It’s a brilliant quick-turnaround solution for crops including kale, turnips, and grass seed to name a few. Sewing rates from 0.5kg/ha upwards. Available in sizes from 210 litres up to 850 litres. Standard with a hydraulic fan and a built-in RDS controller with Radar.

    Rear Drawbar

    Optional rear draw bar to tow a second roller allowing time proven roll seed roll solutions.

    FarmChief Implement Options

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    Covering more ground than the 4.5m model, this implement is simple, smart and effective for cultivating ground with speeds up to 16km/h.

    FarmChief 6 metre Speed Discs | View Now 

    FarmChief Machinery ExpressPro Pre-Ripper

    FarmChief ExpressPro Pre-Ripper 

    Improve your cultivation time even more when combined with an Express Speed Discs, this machine is great for burying trash and minimising passes with its twisted shin and 600mm depth. 

    FarmChief ExpressPro Pre-Ripper | View Now 

    Maelstorm Rear Discharge

    FarmChief Maelstorm Rear Discharge Spreader

    Modern farming requires implements that meet the market needs, this FarmChief Maelstorm Rear Discharge Spreader does that with its ability to spread all kinds of farmyard manure. Low loading, its powerful output, and a heavy duty design makes this implement one of a kind on the market. 

    FarmChief Maelstorm Rear Discharge Spreader | View Now 

    Get a free consultation and demo


    Alan Ogden - FarmChief Machinery Specialist - Waikato

    Alan Ogden

    Sales - Waikato & Upper North Island

    [email protected]

    Call Alan today: 027 280 4892

    Todd Murray

    Canterbury & Upper South - Salesman

    [email protected]

    Phone: 021 228 5677

    Anthony Murray

    Otago & Southland - Director and Salesman

    [email protected]

    Phone: 03 215 7750