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FarmChief Moore Takes On Maize Stubble

The FarmChief Moore Uni Drill is proving time and time again that it is NZ’s most effective and efficient direct drill – ideal for drilling straight into stubble, going into sprayed-off pasture or refreshing existing pasture.

FarmChief Moore Uni-Drill slicing through the trash

With 90mm row spacing, single disc cutting and a prisma gutler roller, the Moore Uni-Drill from FarmChief is the only choice in direct drilling this year. Choose it for re-grassing, oversowing, and drilling straight into trash.

FarmChief NSL Ripper | 2024 Compilation

Modern ripping technology combines forward-thinking ripping tines with highly effective vertical tillage double wavy discs for an outstanding finish in everything from ex-winter feed paddocks through to sprayed-off grass and heavy summer stubble.

FarmChief ExpressPlus Folding Speed Disc | 2024 Compilation

Home to New Zealand’s fastest, most power speed disc cultivators, FarmChief Machinery has the cultivation solution for every farm.

Featuring an optimum cutting angle, unique rear rollers and a high-strength build, these serious operators can take on every challenge NZ has to throw at them.

Testimonial – ExpressPlus Speed Discs and Pre-Ripper

John Tanner, a dairy farmer in Leeston recently purchased an ExpressPlus 3000 Speed Disc with Pre-Ripper setup. 

Wanting a ripper which rips deeper in the soil than others, and a set of discs that were perfect for dealing with fields growing fodder beet, kale, oats and silage, John couldn’t look past this FarmChief solution. 

“It’s been a fantastic purchase. The rippers do a great job and the speed discs leave a good finish on the fodder beet paddocks.” Watch what he has to say here. 

Video Testimonial | FarmChief NSL Ripper with Double Wavy Discs

Shane Brooker from S.A. Brooker Contracting talking about his experience with FarmChief and the NSL Ripper with Double Wavy Discs. 

“We tried a couple of different machines and when Todd bought this one out for us it did an awesome job, we were really impressed with how it all worked.”

Sam Moore on Uni Drill technology

Sam Moore explaining the ins and outs of the Uni-Drill Direct Disc Drill

Mike Brensell | ExpressPlus Speed Discs

Mike Brensell works with Hamish Ryan on Ryan Farms in Lumsden. Mike was impressed with the new ExpressPlus Speed Discs.

Speed Discs into seed maize stubble

ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Discs into seed maize stubble. Showing pre-worked conditions, first pass and second pass.

Ben Pankhurst | ExpressPlus 4500

Ben Pankhurst, from Pankhurst Contracting in Greta Valley, North Canterbury. Ben says the ExpressPlus Speed Discs have been ‘a great tool for us. Nice and robust and easy to use’.

ExpressPlus Speed Discs & ExpressPro

ExpressPlus 6000 Speed Discs & ExpressPro 6mtr Pre-Ripper working the land.

FarmChief Range

Nature never stands still and nor has FarmChief. Operating since 1975 and now into the third-generation family, we’re committed to understanding your farm implement needs. Make your best investment choice with FarmChief.

Blackbear working wheat stubble

FarmChief Blackbear Evo working wheat stubble in Southland

Paul Keen | Veenhuis Slurry Tanker

Paul Keen from Craig-Keen Contracting, in Culverden, North Canterbury.

FarmChief Expressplus 3000 Trailed Speed Discs

Primary and secondary cultivating in Taihape, NZ

FarmChief BlackBear EVO 520 Cultivator

Designed for stubble cultivation and deep tillage at higher working speeds.

FarmChief Umbilical Effluent Systems

Specialist in Effluent systems.

Brayden McStay’s View on FarmChief StripTill

Brayden McStay from McStay Contracting in Woodlands

FarmChief Storth Mega Mix Stirrer

The UK built and designed Storth effluent pond mixing systems is not a topic that will pop up regularly at breakfast tables. But we’d argue it probably should. – Watch footage of the Storth 7m Mega in NZ

FarmChief Falc Strip with Xact Planter and Front Fert Tank

Recent demo in Sheffield, Canterbury, NZ of the FarmChief Falc Strip with Xact Planter and Front Fert Tank

Jim’s View on NSL Chisel Plough/ Auto-Reset Ripper

Listen to Jim Cooper from L J Contracting, as he tells us why he recommends the NSL.

Andrew’s View on ExpressPlus Discs

Listen to Andrew Mabey from Mabey Contracting, as he tells us what he loves about his FarmChief ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Discs and how they Speed up autumn cultivation.

Tine Plow

Watch the FarmChief Quivogne Tine Plow in action.. video footage from all over New Zealand showing different working conditions

Matthew’s view on Conveyair Ultima 62 Grain Vac

Listen to Matthew Reed from Broadgate Harvesting & Broadgate Farm, as he tells about his FarmChief Conveyair Grain Vac and how its improved safety for his staff.

FarmChief ExpressPlus 3000 Speed Discs incorporating oats

Video of FarmChief ExpressPlus 3ptl 3m 3000 Speed Discs incorporating oats into new beds for vegetable crop

Tim’s view on Hustler CX178 Feedout Wagon

Ellesmere Ag  have recently taken ownership of a FarmChief supplied Hustler CX178 Feedout Wagon; Listen to find out what owner Tim Ridgen has to say about it.

Philip’s View on Hustler CM116 Feedout Wagon

FarmChief recently delivered a new Hustler CM116 Feedout Wagon to MCM Dairies in Riversdale; Listen to find out what owner Philip McCallum has to say about it.

ExpressPlus 3000 Speed Discs

FarmChief ExpressPlus 3000 Speed Discs handling the rough stuff, cultivating land flipped country on the west coast of the south island in NZ.

Falc Strip Till with Precision Planter

The FarmChief Falc PTO Rotor Strip-till System, creates a perfect seedbed for row crops in a single pass. The untilled strips help prevent erosion, compaction and preserve moisture. Through optional fertilizing, sub-soiling, chip hoeing and seeding in one single pass you are saving both time, and money, while preserving a high-yielding soil structure.

FarmChief Diskacrop HD Speed Discs

The Diskacrop is a machine that stops for nothing, whether in wet conditions or seemingly impossible trash situations, (wet maize stubble springs to mind), this machine will handle anything.

Falc Reverse Hoe with Bedformer

Creating the perfect seed bed for commercial grower in Canterbury, NZ

Woody’s View

Listen to Woody from Kinsale Contracting in Glentunnel as he tells us about his FarmChief Falc Magnum 3500 Power Harrow he purchased off FarmChief 4years ago…..READ MORE

Falc Katos 5000/P Folding Power Harrow

They say, size isn’t everything, but modern cultivation demands the ability to cover big areas of ground quickly, as well as effectively. The Falc Folding Power Harrows are manufactured for exactly that task, ranging from the Falc Kratos 4000/P to the Super Magnum 8000/P.

Falc Magnum 3500 Power Harrow

These high-spec, precision Italian manufactured, farming implements are relied on throughout New Zealand from vineyards to dairy farms to large-scale cropping units. From 3 metres up to 8 metres, with fixed and folding, to suit your needs and tractor size.

ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Disc

FarmChief ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Disc Cultivator with Rollmax Roller, footage taken on farm in Takapau a small rural town in the Central Hawkes Bay – New Zealand.

FarmChief RSR 3.2m Roller Airseeder Drill

Featuring the RSR Roller Airseeder Drill, this unit is trailing with hydraulic rear wheels and has the option of hydraulic front levelling paddles or chain harrows. We’d recommend this for the operator who wants to do his own work or on steep hill country where it’ll cover as much of the hill face as traction will allow.

West Maelstrom rear discharge Muck Spreader

Featuring the Harry West Maelstrom 14 Rear discharge Muck Spreader. British designed and engineered, the Maelstrom West is built to high specifications, and capable of achieving a spread width of up to 12m. Made for a range of farming systems the Maelstrom deals with; muck and semi-solids, including mushroom compost, and recyclable nutrients from feed lots, feed pads, dairy shelters, and barns.

ExpressPlus 3000 Speed Disc c/w Ubox Roller

Used for primary and secondary cultivation, Express Plus Speed Discs are unequalled in performance after winter feed, for stubble incorporation, and to break-up paddocks after compaction.

ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Discs with Pre-Ripper

The ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Disc and ExpressPro 4m Pre-Ripper combination is an amazing cultivation tool. Use after winter feed, for stubble incorporation, or to break-up paddocks after compaction.

FarmChief 3m Tine Plow

The Tine Plow shatters subsoil pans while working the topsoil. It maintains soil structure and breaks the panning, but does not “boil” the soil or incorporate the layers, as a traditional ripper would.

ExpressPlus 3000 Trailed with Pre-Ripper

These discs are fast and efficient, working at up to 16km/h. And they do the job better. Partnered with the Express Pre-Ripper they’re a formidable combination. 

Veenhuis Profiline Tanker

Featuring the Veenhuis Profiline 16600Ltr Slurry Tanker with 15m Ecoslide Boom, footage taken in Woodville a North Island town about 25km East from Palmerston North.

Storth Mega Mix

Featuring the Storth Mega Mix, footage taken in Ashburton.

Farmking 1050 Backsaver Grain Auger

Featuring the Y1050TMR Backsaver Grain Auger, footage taken in Leeston.

West 2000 Dual Muck Spreader

Features the FarmChief supplied Harry West 2000 Dual Muck Spreader, footage was taken in Edendale, New Zealand.

Envirospread 10000ltr Slurry Tanker

Featuring the Envirospread 10,000Ltr Slurry Tanker, footage taken in Leeston, NZ

Agrolux 5 Furrow Reversible Plough

Featuring the Agrolux HRWT 5Furrow Reversible Plough.

footage taken in Ashburton, NZ

The ExpressPlus Speed Discs with Options

Featuring the ExpressPro PreRipper, followed by the ExpressPlus 4500 Speed Discs with paddles on the front to level bumps and dips from the subsoiler. The Airseeder is attached to the Discs, with 8 outlets followed by the chain harrows to give the seeds soil coverage. This ensures good seed to soil contact before finally being rolled with the Rollmax 530 Roller.

The Rollmot 830 Roller

FarmChief Rollmot 830 Roller in action. 

The FarmChief Train

Features the FarmChief ExpressPro 4m ripper followed by the Express 4500 Speed Discs, with paddles, harrows, and 850ltr airseeder, followed by a 530 Rollmax Roller

The Jupiter

Watch the Jupiter in action!

The Diskator

Watch the Diskator in action!

West Dual Muck Spreader

Watch The West Dual Muck Spreader in action!

The Falc Terraking

Watch the Falc Terraking in action!

The ExpressPlus Speed Disc

Watch the ExpressPlus Speed Disc in action!

The NSL Chisel Plough

Watch the The NSL Chisel Plough in action!

The SSE Ripper

Watch the SSE Ripper in action!

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