Rippers are looking good about now for anyone who has been grazing cows, sheep or cattle. They’re just what’s needed to get rid of compaction and let some of that surface water get away.

Depending on operational needs and soil types, farmers and contractors are saying they’re going down anywhere between 250mm and 500mm. Those with heavy clay soils want to lift and drop which is a bit different to the more friable soils where it’s OK to incorporate.

Todd from the FarmChief team says a lot of farmers have discs or another cultivator on the back, so they can chop, rip and lift but also retain valuable moisture. 

“It eliminates clods but keeps the moisture in.”

Farms nation-wide are in full swing with the rippers, but there’s still time to buy and good deals to be had.


If a paddock is going into maize there’s a strong argument for a ripper because, if there’s one thing they do, it’s letting roots get down, which is going to help yield.

Ripping also has long term advantages. Studies, and our farmers’ feedback, shows that the benefits will last 2-3 seasons on most farms.

It’s worth it and a 10% increase in yield is not unrealistic.

So, rip into it.

View FarmChief Rippers Here