Rotary Strip Till

The FarmChief Rotary Strip Till creates a perfect seedbed for precision crop planting in a single pass. Combined with the Xact Precision Planter and front fertiliser tank to cultivate, fertilise and plant, all at once. How’s that for efficiency? 


FarmChief Rotary Strip Till
FarmChief Rotary Strip Till
FarmChief Rotary Strip Till
FarmChief Rotary Strip Till
FarmChief Rotary Strip Till

Features and Benefits

Strip-Till is a soil conservation system that has been booming in recent years due to efficiencies found by combining fertilization, sub-soiling, hoeing and seeding into a one-pass technology that only cultivates soil where the plant is actually planted. This reduces the passes required on a paddock.

While speeding up cultivation time and reducing money spent, it’s also environmentally friendly; the untilled strips help prevent and reduce erosion and soil compaction while preserving moisture levels.

The harsh New Zealand winters make Strip-Tillage the perfect solution for protecting the soil when grazing stock on fodder crops through the winter. Reducing the work needed on these paddocks means maintaining the soil structure for spring cultivation.

  • Adjustable subsoiling tines
  • High-speed tiller blades 
  • Fitter packer-roller creating compact, seed-to-soil contact
  • Hydraulic linkage enables connection to planter
  • Choice of row spacing or row widths
  • Minimalist cultivation technique delivers improved soil structure and reduced tillage


Technical Specifications


Working width

Row Spacing

No. of rows

Weight approx.

HP Required














Hydraulic Roller

Hydraulic Roller

Adjustable hydraulic packer roller conveniently adjustable on the move to get a perfect seed bed, for different paddock conditions.

Oil Cooling

The custom, in-built oil cooling system ensures safety and longevity of the machine and peace of mind for the operator. Work continuously knowing that the strip-till is running at a temperature that is optimum for best performance.
Variety of side boards to assist in the different contour of the paddock and different crop

Contour Plates

Available are a variety of side boards to assist in keeping material on the seed bed leaving a consistent even finish every time for level secondary passes.
Captivated blades for optimum strength

Captivated Blades

Blades on the rotor are captivated on each side to allow for optimum strength (ie stones, heavy soils), the C type blade utilizes less horsepower and less smearing (sealing the soil).


Daryl’s view

Daryl Johnstone runs a large-scale contracting business in Southern and Eastern Southland servicing clients within a 60km radius of the company’s base in Tokanui. They take care of everything from spraying right through to baling, and all the cultivation in between, including the sowing of all seeds. (If you’re in the area and would like to get in touch, visit

A couple of enquiries from regular clients about planting Fodder Beet with precision planters led Daryl to ask around about farmer interest. “I did a bit of homework first and looked at the options.” The feedback was encouraging.

Daryl says he has a good relationship with FarmChief so this was where he started.

The six row Xact planter he bought has more than met his expectations.

“It’s been great. It’s accurate, easy to use and it delivers great results. And it has the benefits of fertiliser bins as well.”

“It is the modern-day ridger.”

Daryl has been using the precision planter mostly on Fodder Beet crops with a few farmers giving Precision Swedes a go for the first time. “I see Precision sown Swedes being the future with this planter in our area.”

He says the planter has worked well across all soil types and he says, with its performance and reliability there’s more certainty. “You can relax a bit.”

Daryl says he’s appreciated FarmChief’s support in the set-up, and there after sale service has been “brilliant”. “There was someone on site on the first day and they are always available after that on the phone. That was very valuable.”

- Xact 6 row Precision Planter

FarmChief Implement Options

FarmChief Front Fertiliser Hopper

Ideal for large capacity jobs where this implement is designed primarily for fertiliser injection in pneumatic seed drills and also be used as a simple seed transfer system to a rear implement.

FarmChief Front Fertiliser Hopper | View Now 

FarmChief Precision Planter

Manufactured in Europe this implement delivers precision planting, and inter-row cultivation to maximise germination, crop production, and return.

FarmChief Precision Planter | View Now 


Rotary Hoe / Spike Rotor

FarmChief Rotary Hoe / Spike Rotor 

This machine will save anyone time with its one pass application and the versatility of handling different ground conditions across the country leaving a fine tilth.

FarmChief Rotary Hoe / Spike Rotor | View Now 

Get a free consultation and demo


Alan Ogden - FarmChief Machinery Specialist - Waikato

Alan Ogden

Sales - Waikato & Upper North Island

[email protected]

Call Alan today: 027 280 4892

Logan Murray

Canterbury & Upper South - Salesman

[email protected]

Phone: 0212438286

Anthony Murray

Otago & Southland - Director and Salesman

[email protected]

Phone: 03 215 7750