Features and Benefits
Recycling nutrients has become not only a financial advantage for many farms, but an environmental and compliance necessity. What makes British designed and engineered Harry West dual spreaders unique is that they can ingest organic matter as well as nutrient-rich material to spread evenly on to ploughed paddocks, or pasture. A brilliant, uncomplicated and durable design enables them to spread any type of slurry consistency from very wet to fully dried: solid dung, slurry, poultry manure, compost, separator pressings, stock bedding and long straw manure. Conveniently and easily fed by a front-end loader, a central auger in the machine combines bedding, and feed left-overs, with the nutrient-rich manure. It also provides even distribution with a spread up to 21 metres thanks to a 630mm spreading rotor turning at 508rpm. The fully enclosed tub body is watertight so muck or slurry is contained in the machine. A large moving side wall helps a good flow. The spreader was a 1982, winner of the Royal Agricultural Society gold medal.